Editorial: ‘Housing First’ Must Mean Housing

Editorial: ‘Housing First’ Must Mean Housing

Editorial: Housing First Means Housing First Saying that housing is the solution to homelessness is a little like saying that oxygen is the solution to asphyxiation. Both statements are obviously true – though the former hasn’t always been as obvious to some as the...
Letter: New History Misses Mark

Letter: New History Misses Mark

To the Editor: The Counterpoint book review of Vermont for the Vermonters in its winter issue captured Mercedes de Guardiola’s effort at pulling back the curtains on the eugenics movement in Vermont. The review observed how the author, Mercedes de Guardiola, exposed...
An Unusual Sort of Nervous Breakdown

An Unusual Sort of Nervous Breakdown

Short fiction by Ron Merkin “Sorry, Samantha, I’m calling because I can’t be at our board meeting this Tuesday. I made an appointment to have a nervous breakdown that day.” There was silence. Then, “You made… an appointment… to have a… nervous breakdown?” “Yes, with a...

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