Things Are Looking Up

Things Are Looking Up

Commentary by Bryan Plant II While my mental health has been a lifelong struggle, the road back began in 2018. A simple routine visit with my doctor was an unintended first step. He asked the simple question, “How are you doing?” Apparently, that was all I needed to...
Murals Brighten Group Homes

Murals Brighten Group Homes

Over the past year, the Howard Center Arts Collective has collaborated with residents and staff at four Chittenden County group homes to bring color and imagination to the walls of their common spaces. The Arts Collective hired member-artist Annie Caswell to spearhead...
Letter: New History Misses Mark

Letter: New History Misses Mark

To the Editor: The Counterpoint book review of Vermont for the Vermonters in its winter issue captured Mercedes de Guardiola’s effort at pulling back the curtains on the eugenics movement in Vermont. The review observed how the author, Mercedes de Guardiola, exposed...

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