Editorial: When Help Hurts

Editorial: When Help Hurts

The good intention to help others sometimes flies smack-dab into causing harm instead. How does one balance the good intent of creating a safe physical space for people in crisis against the damage of a space so sanitized and dehumanizing that those same people are at...
Summer Poems

Summer Poems

An Empty, Colorless Canvas by Morgan Brown Absent requisite artistic studio space,not to mention various and necessaryart supplies, currently unavailablewith which to explore and pursue one’slifelong dream, hope and vision to potentiallyendeavor among the ever...
What Is a ‘Found Poem’?

What Is a ‘Found Poem’?

Book review by Anne Donahue If you begin reading Parallel Pathways by thumbing through, looking for a poem or story that looks appealing to read, you are likely to pause as some point and ask, “What is a ‘found poem’?” Something written a long time ago, and recently...
Regulators Defend Safety Rules

Regulators Defend Safety Rules

Report by Anne Donahue State and federal regulators on hospital safety have defended the level of requirements for suicide prevention and say hospitals are the ones that still have responsibility – and enough leeway – to assure that patient emotional and therapeutic...
Integration Council Stresses Peer Work

Integration Council Stresses Peer Work

WATERBURY – The Mental Health Integration Council, which was charged by the legislature with “helping to ensure that all sectors of the health care system actively participate in the state’s principles” for a holistic health care system, is nearing the end of its two...

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